Howlin Books

I love to read urban fantasy and paranormal romance. I enjoy reading horror, sci-fi, fantasy, and mystery.

At Grave's End

At Grave's End - Jeaniene Frost I couldn't make up my mind about this series, after this one I think I'm done. I cringe every time Bones says 'blimey' or 'bloody hell', worse still if someone says 'poppet'...ugh. I don't really like any of characters but the action scenes are really good and the main story is exciting. I disliked a lot of individual scenes throughout, such as Dracula showing up and suggesting the Tate and Cat plan, the Christmas dinner party and Cat's dress for it, S&M club, the vamps suggesting Tate and Cat get it on in front of them....

Moon Called

Moon Called - Patricia Briggs Brilliant!! Mercy is a more relatable heroine than you usually get in urban fantasy and she gets left out if the action sometimes but the story doesn't suffer for it.
First in a series so there's a lot of world building but it's more interesting to read than laboursome.


Skin - Kylie Scott First 100+ pages are a bit tiresome to read. Improves greatly after that.

Dead Witch Walking

Dead Witch Walking - Kim Harrison First half of the book is mostly world building. Very slow....a bit boring.

One Foot in the Grave

One Foot in the Grave - Jeaniene Frost Much better than the first book. Bones is his own character and not just a Spike imitation.

Halfway to the Grave

Halfway to the Grave - Jeaniene Frost The story is pretty good and Cat is a strong character. I'm not sure if I'll continue the series, it didn't really grab me but it seems to be very popular.
Bones is a straight copy of Spike from Buffy and the other characters are stereotypes based on profession and race.

Midnight's Daughter

Midnight's Daughter - Karen Chance Brilliant!!! Action, magic and mystery, what more could you want?!

Divulgence (H narratives, #1)

Divulgence (H narratives, #1) - S.J. Romero Hunger Games in Hell!

Brilliant book. Scary and tense. The characters are really well developed, there's not a lot of time spent on each person but you get a good understanding of what makes them tick.
I can't wait to read the next book.

I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Blood in the Water

Blood in the Water - Tash McAdam 3.5 stars
This was a really quick read and although it was a bit slow to start, it was a very exciting story. Hallie is a little whiny but she grows into a character you root for and she is pretty entertaining as well.
I would be interested in reading a full novel set in this world.

Life, the Universe and Everything

Life, the Universe and Everything - Douglas Adams I didn't enjoy this book as much as the first two books but still very enjoyable.

A Shiver of Light

A Shiver of Light - Laurell K. Hamilton I hate to be mean but this was really bad (Sorry Laurell).

This book has killed the series for me and possibly all of her books (which is sad cause I loved her books). It felt so lazy like she didn’t want to be writing about Merry at all.

As with most of her books, there’s a lot of recapping of previous books events (feels like she’s trying to up her word count here) and really detailed descriptions of people’s looks (the fabric and exact colour of that dudes shirt has no influence on anything. Upping the word count again maybe). The character’s discuss the same matters over and over and over, bringing nothing new to the table.

There are two major events in this book, one at the beginning and one at the end. The rest of the book is just filler, covering topics mentioned numerous times in all of the previous books. How many times do we have to hear that Merry’s Dad was a great guy? How many times do we have to hear that her aunt is way into torture? How many times do we have to hear that her uncle is a nutjob? And don’t get me started on those dang nails!

Near the beginning of the book she wrote a sentence that grated at my skin so much, it was really difficult to continue reading. She’s describing a pair of sunglasses that Mistral puts on; ” They were silver metal frames with mirrored lenses that reflected everything like a silver mirror.” Good God this woman has 3o+ books (bestsellers no less) under her belt, I know she’s better than this! She also reuses common phrases in a short space of time more than once throughout the book. It almost gives the impression she thinks her readers are stupid or have really bad memories but I think she just didn’t care about this book.

A Shiver of Light was written 5 years after the last book in the series, and after reading it I get the feeling she only wrote it because she felt she had to. It is boring and lazy and destroyed Merry’s story. This series should have been shorter and finished by now.

Fables, Vol. 10: The Good Prince

Fables, Vol. 10: The Good Prince - Bill Willingham, Mark Buckingham, Steve Leialoha, Aaron Alexovich, Andrew Pepoy loved it!!

Kellie's Diary #1

Kellie's Diary #1 - Angeline Perkins, Thomas  Jenner Very good book. The writing style and appearance is very interesting and entertaining.

Currently reading

The English Patient by Michael Ondaatje
The Exorcist by William Peter Blatty
Four Past Midnight by Stephen King